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One Lap of America 2001 - Bill and Mark's Excellent Adventure!

The Michelin / Car & Driver One Lap of America is exciting to watch whether you're participating, or just tagging along for the fun. We'll use this site to share our experiences running this nonstop, cross-country event.  Shortly after each leg, we will update this website with photo's and commentary for you to enjoy, using our Compaq Laptop with a wireless modem.

What's it like to ride with crazy Mark in his One Lap RX-7?  Download this video (5.9MB) to find out!

 A Lap at VIR's Grand East Course (4.2 miles)  

Here's another one if you're really bored!!!


2001 One Lap of America

Preview - The team, the car, the mission

The Sendoff

The Third Man -- Added May 1

The Starting Line

Event 1 - Watkins Glen Intl. - May 5th(Completed)

Event 2 - Michigan Intl. - May 6th (Completed)

Event 3 - Heartland Park -- May 7th (Completed)

Event 4 - Motorsport Ranch -- May 8th (Completed)

Event 5 - Road Atlanta -- May 9th (Completed)

Event 6 - VIR -- May 10th (Completed)

Event 7 - Watkins Glen II -- May 11th (Completed)

Epilogue - what a wild ride it's been... (Finally Completed)

Great Stuff! (Completed)

So sit back and enjoy the ride!

Link to Frequently Asked Questions about One Lap (New)

Want to know more about One-Lap-of-America? Click on the logo to visit the official website...

And check out the world's best racing stories at the Pulp Racing Website!